People's Commission Network Popular Forum

Forum promo

Listen to the forum promo.

Organizing structure

Three commitees have been mandated to organize the popular forum:

  1. Content Coordination Committee

    The Content Coordination committee will finalize the themes that will be discussed at the forum and will establish the general template for the forum. This committee will then strike working groups for each theme and invite individuals and organizations interested in a theme to join the working group. Each working group will be responsible for elaborating content for that theme and organizing, according to the template set by the Content Coordination Committee, a workshop, panel, discussion, or strategy session for that theme.

    The objective of the Content Coordination committee is to coordinate content for the forum and provide support to individuals and organizations to work together autonomously to develop content for the forum. We hope to facilitate the development of relationships between groups who rarely or never work together while deepening our analysis of the issues. Our hope is that working groups will continue to be active after the forum.

    The Content Coordination Committee is a temporary committee that has been struck to organize the forum.

  2. Logistics Committee

    The logistics committee will manage the resources required to organize the forum (e.g. venue, sound system, technical equipment, food, childcare, translation, facilitators (as necessary), documentation, volunteers, transportation, etc.) This committee will also be responsible for fundraising.

    The logistics committee is a temporary committee that has been struck to organize the forum.

  3. Popular Education Committee

    The pop ed committee is responsible for propaganda (public education materials), media, outreach and mobilization, and developing workshops as an outreach tool.

    The pop ed committee is a permanent working group of the PCN.


The PCN holds a monthly general assembly (G.A.) on the first Monday of every month. The G.A. is the decision-making body of the PCN, working within the People’s Commission Network basis of unity. The G.A. mandates the different committees who then work autonomously within their mandate. At least one point person from each committee will attend the G.A. to coordinate with the other committees.

Decision-making occurs by consensus and is reached in the following matter: proposal, discussion, indicative vote, further discussion as needed, second indicative vote if needed, and final vote. If consensus cannot be reached, decision-making proceeds by majority vote or discussion is revisited.

The People's Commission Network is a working group of QPIRG-Concordia 514.848.7585

Contact the People's Commission Network: QPIRG Concordia - Peoples's Commission Network c/o Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8

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